Creation of eshops and web pages, custom programming
Analytical, professional, no excuses
We are experts in the creation of eshops, websites and custom programming. With years of experience and detailed knowledge of WordPress code, we deliver solutions that fit your exact needs. Our credentials include eshops, showcase sites, in-house corporate online systems and plugins that help hundreds of eshops.
Why us?
Expertise and experience
Your projects will be built on a solid foundation of expertise and years of programming experience. We don’t make excuses that something can’t be done.
Analytical approach
We see problems not as obstacles but as challenges. Our solutions are the result of thorough analysis and knowledge of different technologies.
Custom programming
If you need something completely new or modifications to an existing system, we deliver functional and reliable results.
Faithfulness and perseverance
We build long-term partnerships because that is the only effective way. Don’t waste time and money searching for an online service provider repeatedly.
We have programmed for you
We live in ecommerce literally day and night, we help in various FB groups by sharing our experiences, we look for the best solutions for our customers. Whatever you like, a selection of plugins that solve real problems.
Change price and round – preceň a zaokrúhli
Majte cenotvorbu plne pod kontrolou. Pri hromadnom preceňovaní myslite aj na zaokrúhlenie – ceny potom vyzerajú lepšie.
Export by sell date – vypredaj ležiaky
Neskladujte ležiaky! Zistite, ktoré produkty sa nepredávajú a urobte rozhodnutie, čo s nimi.
Digital art – predaj umenia
Tvoje digitálne majstrovské dielo je na svete a záujem je obrovský. Ako udržíš jeho cenu na vysokej úrovni? Oznámiš limitku
Content creation, copywriting
In addition to a good technical part, your new e-shop or website needs interesting and information-rich content. Don’t forget that site visitors are converted into customers thanks to the texts on the site, in newsletters or in social media posts.
If they find a solution to their problem or answers to their questions through your content, they will perceive your company as an expert in their field. That’s the first step to becoming your customer.
We can prepare descriptive, informative or technical texts for you. Click, we have a lot to offer.
We have written for you
When we create e-shops and websites, we encounter interesting requirements, tricky problems and questions that we have answered many times. Let this blog an interesting but also informative read for you.